“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdDog Paddle, from the True God's First AshoreRetire Tyre and Her King
You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdDog Paddle, from the True God's First AshoreRetire Tyre and Her King

Dog Paddle

from the True God's First Ashore

Retire Tyre and Her King

July 14, 2019
revised August 1, 2020


Satan, first-born spirit son, angel, perfect in his beauty and blameless in his ways. He was also the cherub that guarded Eden. When he abandoned the law of the true God.
macDukes.com figure, credit: someone

Retire Tyre and Her King

The very fire that issues forth from the dragon, Satan, is used to devour her. Satan will be gone forever. This prophecy in the Bible we look forward to. Satan, at the outset of Christ's Kingdom, is jailed. (Hear God say, "Don't change it." mac wants to re-write this into eight-hundred pages. She needs to leave this article alone.) Then she is released for a short time of final interaction with humankind before the true God's Kingship.

Satan's Identity

When he abandoned the law of the true God, Satan fornicated with spirit fellows across the heavens. The prophecy of Satan cast to the ground (earth) is fulfilled after she is released from the abyss to life on earth as the whore, Babylon the Great. She and her demons; no longer permitted to enter the heavens. She is the preeminent god of our world through our idolatry. Her influence taints government and she is false religion.

Satan is a Shrewd Liar

There is a powerful warning about Satan. She, full of wisdom, debased her wisdom. She uses wisdom to lower the moral character of people. Every form of cunning, deception, and enticement to moral turpitude is hers. We must constantly check our conduct against the Bible. (The epistle of James is an excellent place to check our behaviour.) These are days when constant prayer to the true God is necessary. We are in the final hours of a debased world that is in the claws of a dragon who will not live. Regardless of our sins we will live. Live forever in the true God's Kingdom. Search out the true God, God of Jesus, in prayer.

Religious Leaders You are in Deep

The Prince of Tyre is a religious leader who fancies himself enthroned as a god, infallible, with great treasure, and haughty. This prince is the figurative offspring of Satan leading a vast empire of false religion. This pious one will die in the hands of government. His body; cremated. (See God deal with the Pope.)

The City of Tyre is the hub of false religion. It traffics propaganda against government, lawlessness of all forms, and many fornications. Neither the City of Tyre nor those that depend on her for commerce will survive. The mighty waters, seven seas, will cover Tyre completely. She will never be rebuilt. False religion is ending. Reach out to the true God in prayer. Develop a habit of daily Bible reading. Look for ways to leave the practices of false religion behind. The true God will lead you to true religion, worship of Him, in the body of the Christ. (Watch the true God prove His Christ.)