“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comEat @ Joe's and Learn the Why
You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comEat @ Joe's and Learn the Why
Eat @ Joe's

Learn the Why

Certain world events are relevant to the shutdown of the United States. When Heaven is done, the Afghanistan withdrawal will look like a Sunday evening ice cream social of middle America yesteryear. Pentagon command was fighting to make its fine youths the sacrifices for more American gluttony. The problem was, they would not clean the church out to make that happen. High command liked muling for Britain more than being a real military body. The LORD is fixing that. The moral of the story? Don't fuck the LORD's Church. He has the Pentagon High Priest in His hip pocket. And soldiers are not sacrifices.

  1. Why the Afghanistan withdrawal went down like a dirty deed of incompetence against all military training. Read the Waltz briefing…
  2. Why South America is changing its loyalties. Read the Columbia briefing…
  3. Why Mexico is changing its loyalties. Read the El Presedenté briefing…
  4. Why Putin's war is going down in Ukraine the way it is. Read a Biden briefing…
  5. The nation's keystone witch'crafters that betrayed law, Barbra Canales, and congress, Peter Zanoni -- two low ball quacksalver desperates that decided to teach the Pentagon High Priest a "lesson" in humility for removing black market distribution from the LORD's Holy Church -- are why Heaven is destroying the United States and unifying North America. God Almighty wanted to destroy all the people of North America and those two fuckers made it all come together. Read a Canales briefing…
  6. Iran is indeed destroying London with two nuclear bombs. Biden's strategic gift to America was thwarted. Read My distribution letter to Nueces County parties…

Legacy Proc

Don't Be A Milley

